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Moving Boxes

In, you can move, or “drag and drop,” reason and objection boxes to connect them to different reason, objection, main contention, or inference boxes. Note that you can’t move the main contention box, inference boxes, or group boxes.

When you’ve dragged a box over your drop target, a yellow border will appear around the drop target.

Moving a reason or objection box so that it’s below and linked to a desired box

With a mouse:

Drag and drop the box onto the desired box. When you’ve dragged a box over your drop target, a yellow border will appear around the drop target.

With key commands:

  1. Select the desired reason or objection.
  2. Use the “From” command (Shift+Alt+F).
  3. Use the Shift+Alt+arrow keys to navigate to the box you want to move the reason or objection below.
  4. Use the “To” command (Shift+Alt+T) to move the reason or objection below the selected box. The reason or objection’s node and group box will come with it and go between it and the selected box. Voilà!

If you’re moving a box that has other boxes below and linked with it, those boxes will move along with it, no matter how complex a branch they form.

Reason and objection boxes can be moved so that they’re below and linked to reason, objection, main contention, or inference boxes.

Moving Boxes into Co-Premise Position

You can move a reason or objection into a reason or objection group, thus making it a co-premise with whatever else is in that group, by either

  1. Dragging it onto the top of the reason-group box and then dropping it, or
  2. Selecting the reason, using the “From” (Shift+Alt+F) function, navigating to the desired reason-group box with the Shift+Alt+arrow key commands, and then using the “To” function (Shift+Alt+T).

When you see a yellow border around the top of the group box, dropping will add the moved box as a co-premise in that group.

Here’s a video demonstration of drag and drop with the mouse:

Changing the Order of Co-Premises

With a mouse:

Drag the co-premise box that you want to move to the spot you want to move it to, lifting it just above the other co-premise, so that the top of the group box becomes highlighted yellow. For example, if you want it between claims A and B, drag the co-premise box between A and B.

With key commands:

To move a co-premise box to the right of the box currently to its right, select it and then click Shift+Alt+N. To move a co-premise box to the left of the box currently to its left, select it and then click Shift+Alt+B